To our valued customers,
During this time of uncertainty, there is no higher priority at Tami Fosher Photography than the health and safety of my clients and friends. Amidst questions concerning sessions and continued business in the going months, I am proactively reaching out to my customers to let them know how this may affect your scheduled sessions.
I want you to feel completely confident that we are doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our clients during the standard flu + furthermore, Coronavirus season. After every session in our studio, props, surfaces, wraps and all touched surfaces are cleaned thoroughly. We will continue these practices and enhance our deep cleaning procedures to help prevent the spread of any and all germs.
Further, I’m asking all of my clients to do their part and diligently participate in every effort to reduce the spread of germs. Per my regular policy, if you or any member of your family has any symptoms of any communicable illness (cough, runny nose, fever), I ask you to reschedule your session with me (see cancellation/reschedule information below). When you come to your session, I ask that you limit what you bring and practice good sanitary measures while in the studio.
For my newest and freshest clients, my number one concern is always safety. If you are uncomfortable bringing your brand-new little one to my studio, I am more than happy to come to your home. While the session will be somewhat modified, we can shoot in your home and/or postpone until we feel more comfortable and stable in your decision.
To ensure enough time between sessions for deep cleaning, I may ask to adjust your session time in the coming weeks for any sessions scheduled back to back. If you have any questions concerning the Coronavirus or how it may affect your session, please do not hesitate to reach out.